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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:46 AM // 00:46   #21
Krytan Explorer
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yea i get teleported to random areas alot because of this lag. i just had a huge spike in the beggining of thk and then there was only 2 of us left. oh well looks like my ranger has to wait for the lag to end in order to beat thk
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:11 AM // 01:11   #22
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Lag killed my dog.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 03:26 AM // 03:26   #23
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Today I was in a B/P group doing tombs. I moved to get a shot at the enemy when my character kept on running. Trying to move simply changed the direction but I wouldn't stop untill I got stuck amongst a bunch of minions then teleported back to a point where everyone was at the edge of my radar.

Also too many times (mostly in towns) I would get half way across a bridge then when I get to the end it would send me back to the middle. Most of the time it stops but once it kept on doing it. No matter what way I went, I kept getting teleported back to the center of the bridge.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 04:18 AM // 04:18   #24
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Losing to around a rank 30 guild when we had them. Painful when you're the monk and you see things stop moving, but you can hear everything through vent.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 11:06 AM // 11:06   #25
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Humm... Worst lag...
Probably when I was in HoH as a Spirit Spammer for a nice Necro B-Spike. I go to setup another spirit. Realise that I want to put it elsewhere. So, I tap "
S" to stop the spirit so I can place it elsewhere. Somewhere along the casting, tapping "S" I got a nasty little lag. Next thing I know I am now halfway in one of the gold pillars (On the Altar). I couldnt move out. I kept turning in circles. This lasted long enough for me to get wanded to death by an enemie Ele that obviously thought it was a great laugh. I saw myself die. Then, inspite of all that happened, I lag out to finish the job 0_0!

This also happened to me in Under World (HA). Setting a QZ for a ViM group I was in next to the wall infront of the bridge I lagged then ended up in the wall.. We didnt last long and I promptly got Wanded to death. I managed to get a SS of that one but since Im not at home I cant post it

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:55 PM // 12:55   #26
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The worst for me was is being in the middle of a GvG battle when a massive lag spike happens, you know were the icons start blinking, and you can see or interact with anyone or anything.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:01 PM // 13:01   #27
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While doing defend droks I really did lag myself to death: Had lag, screene frooze was expecting an err7 any moment, then screen popped back to normal, saw about 20 empathy dmg things pop up above my head. And I died, lag freeze, screen back saw me being rebirthed and die. Lag cleared, saw that my brother, who has the same ISP as me, had err7ed already.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:03 PM // 13:03   #28
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This one time in fow, I just lagged up reallllllllly badly. For like 10 mins i was just standing there with my icons blinking. I keep typing randrom stuff and all that. Then suddenly everything i had missed out ie what i couldnt see due to lag happend really quickly and I caught up to the group. It was quite freaky since my internet disconnected.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:03 PM // 13:03   #29
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Originally Posted by Ninetail Trickster
SoM, or Diablo?
Or neither? >_>;
Actually it was Sacred. With PK'ers on Diable I would have never stood a chance
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 04:04 PM // 16:04   #30
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I was running the flag in a GvG. I placed the flag and was trying to turn around and head back to our base. Somehow I ended up doing a 360 and running the wrong way. By the time I realized this and tried to turn back around, it was too late. I died pretty quickly, and my guild thought I was a complete idiot til I explained about the lag.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 05:24 PM // 17:24   #31
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Im a Paladin should really post here, sad sad story...
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 05:37 PM // 17:37   #32
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Really? What did IAP do? Or not do?
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 05:45 PM // 17:45   #33
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Hell's precipe - just this weekend. Much like the OP - we had noted some minor lag as we hit the battle right before the final with the lich. In the final battle the lag continues. (we had 4 people and 4 henchies). Then the lag spike - I'm an Ele stuck floating in mid cast. It was easily a 30 second lag and I thought Oh - no - not now....then lag ends - I'm dead - as is the entire rest of the party save one Human controlled Ranger. After a round of "WTF - OMG LAG!" by everyone the ranger proceeded to redefine "winnowing" by haning out with a long bow and slowly plunking the lich's health from half to dead and we won the mission.

Crazy stuff.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 06:38 PM // 18:38   #34
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farming UW....victo's bulwork drops for me....[sarcasm]lag ftw![/sarcasm]
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 06:47 PM // 18:47   #35
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Originally Posted by The Fox
Actually it was Sacred. With PK'ers on Diable I would have never stood a chance
Whoo! I lose! xD

Something I've noticed quite a bit more recently is that when sending characters Searside, it takes quite a bit for your team to join. I've had more err7s (for others; never timed out in a group myself) there than anywhere else. 12-4 ftl. >_<;;
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 07:16 PM // 19:16   #36
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Lag made me sell a 14-22 gold fiery crystalline sword of fortitude +29, 14 while enched, found in like the first week of gw. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Apr 24, 2006, 08:08 PM // 20:08   #37
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Yesterday the lag was so bad that, during an Ettin run I have done sucessfully about 30,000 times, I DIED. Right there on the beach outside Ascalon Settlement. It was a very pretty resting place, I admit.

I was swarmed by Mergoyles and Bog Scales, and MEGA-LAG struck. First death on that run in like 5 months.

I respawned, by Farmer whatshisname, who had a shocked look on his face, and a very pissed Necro girl went and owned the map....the entire map, North Kryta Province.

But it was a good run: Sup Vigor, Sup Healing, Sup Marks, Sup Earth, Major Vigor x2, Major Absorb, Minor Tactics and a poisonous bow string.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 09:57 PM // 21:57   #38
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I accidently sold my Victo´s Blade to a common merchant because of lag
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 10:08 PM // 22:08   #39
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Lagged 70 ink right into the trash.
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Old Apr 24, 2006, 10:12 PM // 22:12   #40
Furnace Stoker
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Doing a Thirsty River run, just collected pay before we go for the Monk boss. Got 4 rows of minions, it'll be a piece of cake. We get up to it, lag spike, restored speed. All minions dead half my health gone and my team dead. Outbreak of "WTF MM U SUCKZ!!! GIMMIE MY MUNEY!!!" At that point I repayed them in a zone and just logged off, I was too disheartened to keep playing.
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